10 Advanced SEO Techniques That’ll Double Your Search Traffic
When it comes to optimizing your website for search engine, there are 2 aspects that play an essential role to snatch the victory.
First, recognize the SEO techniques that work for sure to get the outcomes. Second, put in the efforts to execute those techniques on right time at right place.
Now, you might be possibly thinking – How to identify these SEO techniques that actually work for your website or blog?
You might be tangled in determining what actually works and what doesn’t exist anymore. There is a possibility that the techniques you are using at present might drive your website to get penalized or which you think are less important might have become essential now.
Today’s article remains focused on the top 10 remarkable SEO techniques that you should use without any delay.
Technique #1: Examine your overall site performance via SEO audit Tools
To get ahead in your SEO strategy thoroughly examine your website performance. While going through the significances set out and implement your new objectives.
Pick a reliable SEO audit tool. Enter your website URL and click on “Start My Audit” option and get your website audit reports done.
Examine your website performance. List the features that need to be excluding from the website and issues that can be upgraded to get the better outcomes. Even a solo alteration to your website will lead you to more and more clicks that will ultimately affect your website search traffic.
While auditing your website, you will find several errors and suggestions to resolve them. Try to fix those errors, otherwise eliminate it from website. A good site audit proves to be beneficial in providing better experience to users on your website.
Technique #2: Analyze to create engaging Content
Loads of content get published in a day, so it’s actually challenging to determine what type of content one should create to grab attention from the readers.
Analyze your social media platform to get the unique ideas, to help you with the purpose: Quora is one of the most trending websites to find out latest trending ideas for content creation. You can choose content marketing tool like Buzzsumo to follow the latest trends.
Technique #3: Make killer title and description
No doubt that a convincing Meta description and title keeps on attracting more clicks. You can get the inspiration out of the appealing content present in Google Adwords Ads.
They will act as traffic boosters to your website. Let’s say your keyword is ’Search Engine Optimization, here is the ranked Ads for it.
Pick out the interesting parts and modify your title and description consequently to maximize your traffic.
Technique #4: Renovate and Republish old blog posts
Instead of drafting new content more often, you can renovate and republish your old content. The foremost step is to find an under-performing content. Later on, you can list the portions to get modified and work accordingly.
Add updated images and screenshots to bring life into your old post. Try to find the less important area and substitute it with indispensable information.
To ensure that your fresh post gets the attention; endorse it through E-mail marketing and via Social Media.
Technique #5: Make your website mobile friendly
In the previous 4 years, the mobile users have grown nearly 58% and it is said that 61% of mobile users bounce off in case of finding mobile experience unattractive.
If your website isn’t mobile friendly, you are losing millions of visitors per day.
Technique #6: Target your competitor’s keywords
Targeting and coming across your competitor’s keywords benefit you to produce improved content. You can easily beat your competitors by reviewing and analyzing their marketing strategies.
Try to pick up a good keyword research tool like SEMrush and analyze your competitor’s keywords and content to design your strategy.
Make a list of the sites or blogs that have been linked to your competitor’s webpage. You can use the backlink checker tools like ‘Open Site Explorer’ or ‘Backlink Watch’ to examine your competitor’s backlinks.
You can explore and find out trending content types that your competitors are using to drive traffic. Bring improved and in-depth piece of content and include long tail keywords into it.
Contact listed sites and blog that have linked to your competitor’s webpage or blog and request them to features yours as well.
Technique #7: External linking to High Authority sites
In 2003 a Google major update called Hilltop rolled out that helps Google to decide which page is more informative regarding the search query.
It says that pages with high quality as well as relevant outbound links which are interconnected to useful resources are counted as valuable and informative resources in the eyes of Google.
Therefore, try to include minimum 3 relevant and high quality outbound links in your content that you are supposed to publish.
Technique #8: Find influential pages on your website and perform internal linking
After outbound links, now it’s turn to look after your website’s internal linking. Generally people used to pay attention for their homepage only hence as a consequence incapable to rank their internal pages.
Your older posts with loads of information might benefit you to drive fresh traffic to your website, and definitely enhance your SEO worth for your internal pages and search ranking as well.
Make sure that your internal links are relevant and informative as pages or posts having irrelevant links will mark as spam by Google.
Technique #9: Use YouTube Videos to rank on your competitor’s keywords
YouTube videos are one of the finest techniques to boost your website traffic. It’s actually easy to rank your videos against your competitor’s websites.
All you need to do is to put an attractive and precise description for your YouTube video with a link referring to your website.
Keep informed with the fact that Google bot is unable to crawl the content inside your videos. It ranks a video based on its title and description and by adding valued content to your description, you actually rank for targeted keyword.
Technique #10: Use Expert roundup to generate more traffic
Expert roundup is a new trending technique to fascinate readers to a blog or website. It brings altogether the opinions of several experts on the similar topic.
Involvement and contributions of professionals or influencers are the major reason behind the popularity of Expert Roundup technique. Here is an example:
Featured influencers or experts in your post work expansively to get the article shared and so, it helps you drive several new readers to your blog/site.
Thus, bring an expert roundup on any of the exclusive topics to surprise your and let them go through the valuable suggestions.
Blogs work as one of the imposing aspects of your website. People find the source reliable and valuable in terms of seeking precise information. Thereby, publishing valuable content through your blog posts you can actually win your readers’ trust and provide them with a personal experience.
Yet, the most important task is to reach out to your audience. Here written SEO techniques help you to boost your website search traffic and ensure that it gets found by the readers naturally.